Monday, March 4, 2013

Bagel Blessing :)

So, it is another Monday fun-day and I get to work and realize that I have somehow managed to get to work without my cellphone :/

I brought a Lender's Blueberry Bagel for breakfast and toasted it in the office toaster, but I burnt it too bad to eat it :(

So, I thought I'd just eat a little bag of Cheeto's I had in my desk.....but when I went to look for them they weren't there......

About 30 minutes later we get an email that a co-worker has brought in bagels from Panera Bread :)

So, I sit here eating my blueberry bagel for breakfast after all :)

God is SO good :)  ALWAYS looking out for me even in the smallest of ways and I love Him :)  Thanks for the smile and the breakfast this morning!  Maybe Monday mornings aren't so bad after all... ;)

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